14th Day of Christmas

14th Day of Christmas

?On the 14th Day of Christmas, my favorite Realtor® said to me…? It’s Gingerbread decorating day! Decorate your gingerbread cookies today and post photos of you doing it using #BolingGroupGingerbreadDecorating and #25DaysOfHoHoHos to be entered into our...
13th Day of Christmas

13th Day of Christmas

?On the 13th Day of Christmas, my favorite Realtor® said to me…? Share your favorite Christmas movie. What is your favorite Christmas movie and do you have any traditions when you watch Christmas movies? Popcorn, blanket, fire burning, cuddled up on the couch or...
12th Day of Christmas

12th Day of Christmas

?On the 12th Day of Christmas, my favorite Realtor® said to me…? It’s Poinsettia Day! How did December 12th get named Poinsettia Day? That was my question too. We all think of poinsettia’s around the Christmas holiday season like we think of pumpkins...
11th Day of Christmas

11th Day of Christmas

?On the 11th day of Christmas, my favorite Realtor® said to me…? Donate a toy to a toy drive and help make a child’s Christmas wish come true. We all have our down moments in life. If you can donate a toy this Christmas season, it’ll be a blessing to...
10th Day of Christmas

10th Day of Christmas

Take a moment to think about some of your favorite Christmas traditions. Was it that your Grandmother baked your favorite cookies? What did her house look like? Can you smell them now? Were you so excited to go to your Grandmother’s house to see if she made your...
9th Day of Christmas

9th Day of Christmas

This Holiday season, let’s focus on things that we can do to brighten others days. You never know what other people are going through. Be the light for someone else, touch their lives, even if you never know you do. Why? Because it feels good for everyone...