When deciding on the paint color to paint, be sure to think of what will appeal to the masses. If you’d like a recommendation, email us at team@thebolinggroup.com.
Cleaning up your landscaping, adding flowers for color, and greenery can really increase your curb appeal.
Get rid of items you no longer use and put like items in the same area of the home.
Depersonalize your home by removing or replacing personal photos with pictures of landscapes or completely removing the pictures and filling in any nail holes, if necessary.
Deep clean!! Clean your closets, restrooms, bedrooms, kitchen on every surface. If you want to save you time, you can hire a professional cleaning company to come in once you’re done painting, organizing, and de-personalizing your home to give it that extra fresh and clean feeling right when the potential buyers walk in to your home.
If you or anyone you know are thinking about selling their home, contact us and we will come out to give you personalized recommendations to fit your specific needs. List with The Boling Group and get it SOLD!